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Batman V. Superman Super Ultimate Completely Awesome Review (Spoilers)

(My biggest review ever, No pressure Tevin, don't freak out.)
Well, ladies and gentlemen, another big budget Zack Snyder and another divisive divide between people who loved the movie and people who hated it.
At first, It looked like the movie was going to be universally loved by almost every fan at pre-screening events saying it was the best movie ever, or it was better than the Dark Knight and the Avengers. Man was I wrong (like picking the winning of the Bachelor wrong. I thought Tiara would at least make it to the seventh week).

There is a giant divide between critics and the audiences. Rotten Tomatoes' critics have BVS sitting at 29% while the audience rating is at 72%. That is a big divide, usually within ten percent of each other. If you are reading this then you probably reading it for my opinion, so what did HypeTrain conductor thing of this movie (HypeTrain conductor is probably the lamest job ever).


(Well side did you choose Tevin?! said the imaginary audience member)

Let's get straight to it, did I like the movie or not. I really liked the movie, and the more I think about it, the more that like gets into the love section. Don't get me wrong, the movie has its problems, a lot of problems, and let's get into those problems first. The movie never really flows together right, it just jumps from scene to another with no real transition. The biggest example is at the end when Batman is at Superman's funeral at one scene then the next he's at Lex's cell, then the next scene he's back at Superman's funeral, with no real explanation of how he got to and from Lex's cell.

Then there is the story, at times it could get muddled, and Lex's plan gets confusing at times, and then there is the extra stuff that probably shouldn't have made it into the movie, but DC and Warner Bros. are desperate to create their own universe, so we got those parts. That said, those extra parts we're still awesome, from Batman's dream/premonition of Darkseid's arrival to Flash traveling through time to warn Bruce. The part that bothered me the most, though, was the fact that Batman killed people. It may not have been intentional, and to be honest, it wasn't that many people but, BATMAN DOES NOT KILL. It's just that simple, it's a major part of his character. I was fine with Superman killing Zod because that rule was never really part of Superman's identity, and it was a good way to make Superman choose his people or the citizens of Earth. So, I understood that, but BATMAN DOES NOT KILL PEOPLE.


(One of the greatest scenes ever)

With all that said, Ben Affleck is probably the greatest Batman ever (this coming from a Christian Bale fans). In the movie, they recreated the scene you see above, with Batman forced to take out the KGBeast to save Martha Kent. In the comics, the scene is really ambiguous, but the movie made it pretty clear. During that scene, Batman was Batman (scratch that, he was Affleck was Batman). The fight scene in the warehouse looked like it was a fight scene from one of the Arkham games. 

(Literally, the last person you want to see in an alleyway) 

The scene Lex's cell looked like it was directly taken from the comics/cartoon (I'll say this, I cannot wait for Batfleck's solo movie). Batman's first appearance in the film is also epic, the fact that the women he saves are still so terrified with what happened that they would rather stay in the cage means Batfleck knew what he was doing. Someone perfectly explained that the scene resembled a horror movie. The very little part Jeremy Irons play as Alfred was perfect. He always seemed to have something to work on though (I like to think that he just finished binged watching a show on Netflix, and now, he's trying to fill a void left by the show).

Wonder Woman

(Watch out, we got a badass over here)

She drops in from the sky and saves Batman from getting eviscerated by using her bracelets. Wonder Woman was awesome and I can't wait till her movie next year (geez, next year, what am I suppose to do till then? Hangout with friends, talk to family?). This movie served as the perfect trailer for Wonder Woman, but she wasn't in the movie for long, but she took her chance and it she succeeded. Other than her arrival, my favorite part was when Doomsday knocked her down and she had a grin on her face like she was excited about the fight.

Then there are the other cameos (Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman), they were cool, but should have probably be done differently rather than just sent in an email. What was most exciting about these cameos is the fact we are seeing the DC world existing, and their existence looks like it could take place in our world. I love Marvel and I love their style, but that's the only style of superhero movies and there needs to be a different style out there to make a balance (I know X-Men's universe is there, but their movies are more Sci-Fi than superhero). To watch a world of superheroes exist in our very gray world is very interesting. 


(Look at him breaking the sound barrier, what did the barrier ever do to you?) 

Superman in the movie was good, and he carried on what he did from Man of Steel (Ooh, I can feel a lot of hate coming from Christopher Reeve fans). In the film, Superman is still growing into the role, so there is still mopping and looking sad. This Superman fits well into this world because I believe if someone was going around saving people in our world, he won't be accepted. The world would be divided (Like this movie eh, someone want to give me a high five? I feel like that joke deserves a high five), some would love him and urge Supes to continue, and others would condemn him and worry about the power he carries.

That's why the big blue is so conflicted in the movie (basically, looking all sad and stuff), but he still wants to help a world that hates him. I loved the scene when Clark is talking to his mom and his mom says that if you don't want to don't help the world. I know a lot of people didn't like that, but from a mother's perspective, if someone is harming and mistreating your child, your going to defend your child and hate whatever is causing the ailment.

Christoper Reeve's Superman wouldn't have worked in this movie, because he's a complete Superman, plus a lot of dislike of Superman came from the fact that he was too complete, people felt like he had no real journey to complete other than saving Lois (OK Reeve fans put down your pitchforks). That is why I like Henry Cavil as Superman, his version seems like it could exist in our world, and he's on a journey to become that perfect god we all know and love. Although, with all that said, a smile every now and then would be nice.

Lex Luther  

(Prison selfies, every employers' favorite photos to find on Google)

Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luther was good but seemed a little too crazy. Lex has always been the conniving a-hole who always had a card up his sleeve. Luther in this film seemed to try to be as crazy as Heath Ledger's Joker. On top of all that, we never really got a moment when Lex explains why he is doing all this (is he trying to get Supes out the way, is he trying to get Batman out the way, or did Superman cut him off on the road and now he wants some payback). We get a small sense of it when he tells Superman to go kill Batsy, which was Luther's best scene. I also loved the bell has been rung quote from Luther, obviously foreshadowing Darkseid's arrival.


(That's a nice suit Batman, what material is it made out of?)

The fight was spectacular, and of course, Batman won, although the fight was a little short, especially when compared to Man of Steel's fight scenes. The set up made sense, as to why they were fighting each other. Superman saw Batman's brand of justice a little too back breaking (get it, cause Bane breaks Batman's back, no not funny, yeesh, you're a tough crowd). Bruce Wayne watched Supes' fight ripped through Metropolis and saw him as a threat to humanity (basically, Superman was superheroing irresponsibly).

The most interesting part of the fight came at the end when Batman was about to end the fight, and Superman mentions his mother's name which sends Batman into a panic because his mom has the same name. During that moment, you begin to see the common ground being created, for these two to become allies. Batman saw that this guy was an alien, but he had a family, people he cared about and a mother that was in trouble. This showed the human side of Superman to Bruce, which got him to back down.

Final Verdict 

(Oh, please Warner Bros. don't cancel this. Sure BVS didn't make money. Just take some time and reevaluate the script before shooting)

Like I said before, I liked the movie a lot. Was it perfect? No, no it wasn't (BATMAN DOESN'T KILL PEOPLE). I don't think it is anywhere as bad as critics are making it out to be (now Dragon Ball Evolution, that's an abomination that should not be shown, unless it is a form of torture). The part I like the most is the fact this DC world seems to mirror our world more than the other superhero universes, and that really intrigues me. Who is this movie for? It's hard to tell really. This movie seems to be the most decisive movie ever (even more decisive than Man of Steel, and that's saying something). I'd say it's for DC Comics fans and anyone who likes comics. It is for kids, but there are some scary moments. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is in theaters now and I give this movie four grappling guns through the shoulder (like seriously, that had to hurt like hell) out of five.
Well, the next big comic book movie is Civil War, and knowing Marvel, that movie is not going to be decisive, it's just going to be awesome.


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