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Monsters Beware (Hard Candy Review)

(Disturbing, yet kind of satisfying)

Let's take a break from video games (to be honest, I'm still working on Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, I'm at the final boss, and I'm pretty sure it's somehow cheating). A couple weeks ago, I was bored looking for a movie to watch (Netflix and Amazon disappointed as usual), and I this movie stood out.

The story is about a young, underage girl (Ellen Page) who is meeting an older guy (Patrick Wilson) to spend the day with each other. From the moment the movie starts, you feel something isn't white right (not that there isn't anything right with the situation). This has to be Ellen Page's best performance ever, a performance that could be put up there with Heath Ledger's Joker. At times, the way this movie plays out is like two movie monsters duking it out. This movie is, and I don't use this word often, controversial because at times (these times are very small) you can't tell you the real monster is. I really want to say more about it, but I don't want to give too much away (maybe a part 2 with spoilers will work). Who is this movie for, asks the imaginary person who can't find anything on Netflix (Trust me, I understand, there is a great drought happening)? This movie is intense, and could get hard to watch. If you're squeamish, it's probably not for you, but if you are looking for an intense thriller that may both make you turn away and keep your eyes glued then this is the movie for you. This movie is rated R, so even if your one of those cool parents, this is one of those rare times when I say, this movie is not suitable for kids, so don't (Just go show them Walking Dead since your the cool parents). I don't want to ruin this movie for anyone who wants to watch it, so there is definitely going to be a part two. Yes, I know this review is 11 years late, but back then the only things I was interested in was Dragon Ball Z, Pokémon, and WWE, so it is understandable why this movie didn't cross my radar then. 


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