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Virtual Reality: Success or Failure

This is the biggest question of the technology world in 2016. Will virtual reality become a commercial success? Will virtual reality be another 3D television situation? Is it truly the future? Will it live up to the hype?

I'm not a psychic, but at the very least virtual reality is the future. It's not just for video games, I believe that VR is the future for all types of media, books, movies, music, television, social media, and porn (yes, porn too, every time technology advances, porn is there in the background, but of course, nobody will publicly acknowledge it, but privately, that's another story). If VR has the potential to revolutionize almost every single piece of media that means VR is a guaranteed success right? Truthfully, no, and this is coming from someone who hasn't used it but is already picking out which one of his kidneys to sell to go buy this thing. That is VR's biggest problem, the price.

(Looking Stupid, the real threat of VR)

A couple days ago HTC's Vive went up for preorder for the low low price $799. Yes, you read that right, it's not a typo. Okay, the headset also comes with other things, but why not have a version that comes without all the extras, that bring the price way down, right? The Oculus Rift just comes with a headset, so this price has to be cheaper (it just has to be right). Well, it's $599 (you are probably looking at which organ to sell right now aren't you). Techies are going to be all over this products, they will buy it no matter what price. Both the Vive and Oculus Rift's preorders have already sold out. So, we will no doubt buy these products, but in order for a product to be successful, it has to hit the mainstream audience. Look at the iPhone or the Wii (although Wii sales plummeted after the first two years). In contrast, look at Google+ or 3D televisions, both were big with the tech crowd, but never caught on with a mainstream audience. So asking the average consumer to spend this much money on this will be hard.

(People's reaction to VR prices)

The other problem  with these headsets is the question that will go through people's mind, will it work with my computer. Once again, techies will do hours of research, but the average person at a Best Buy looking at one thinking to themselves "will this work with my PC or Mac?" (I don't even know if any of the headsets actually works with Mac, probably not the Vive since HTC and Apple are mortal frenemies). That, combined with price may just kill off any interests in the headset. Another disadvantage to VR is how are they going to market theses products? From all the stories I have read, everyone who tries VR becomes a believer. How are these marketers going to get these people to buy it? For an iPhone (a once new technology) you just had to see it in a commercial to get what it was, but VR is literally trying to sell you an experience, and how do you sell that to a consumer in a commercial. Mr. Zuckerberg, what's the plan? The best way looks like it is going to be demonstrations at places like Best Buy. They have to get these people to try these products to justify the price.

(Execs at Sony right now)

Everyone is looking at Sony and its PlayStation VR. Sony says the device is coming out first half of this year (although there are rumors it has been delayed). Everybody's hopes are that PlayStation VR is cheaper. The PlayStation 4 is hugely successful, surpassing everyone's expectations (proving the point that mobile games will not replace consoles). When last announced, the PS4 was at 35.9 million units, so there is a large install base for VR to thrive on. PS4 has been credited with helping Sony get out of the red and back into the profits (In other words, the PS4 is the Messi of Sony, or Lebron James of Sony, or insert one man teams here ___________). Teamed up with the PS4, VR should have no problem, right? With PlayStation VR, it is guaranteed to work with any PlayStation 4. Let's face it, this device (an accessory to the PS4) cannot cost more than the PS4, it won't make any sense. You need a PS4 to make to use it. I think the perfect price would be $250-$300, but as new VR headset prices are announced, the less likely the price would be that cheap. I think Kaz Hirai (CEO of Sony) is sitting in his office just staring at the price hoping it will magically go down while the marketers praying to any god who will listen that the price is reasonable enough price to promote to audiences. 

(Project Morpheus)
I really, really (like I'm willing to "allegedly" commit murder, remember deny deny deny) hope virtual reality takes off. One scenario that goes through my mind is me using VR and I'm in a horror video game and a hear a sound and look to where the sound originated. Another scenario is (my personal favorite) piloting a Gundam or giant robot (for those who haven't watched anime). So, if you are reading this, please buy the VR headsets. Show game devs that VR games are profitable. I don't care what you have to do to afford it, sell your house, commit murder for insurance (if you do this I'm not responsible if you get caught), sell your children or pets (I'm pretty sure eBay can accommodate for live packages), or burn your house down for insurance (remember to take out your valuables). Just please buy VR, I really want to pilot a Gundam.

(Robots!!! You Pilot Robots!!!!!)

(Let's face it, VR is the closest you will get to piloting a Jaeger from Pacific Rim)

(Closest you will get to Star Wars)


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